?Are value chains a driver for equality

?Are value chains a driver for equality

VCA4D against inequalities.

Measure and understand to inform and act!

VCA4D presents a project lab to discuss insights on inequalities

within agricultural value chains (VCs) across Africa presenting

the perspectives of researchers and policy makers.

VCs can yield both positive and negative effects on economic

growth and inclusiveness.

The panel will present and discuss three case studies

(Aquaculture and Egg in Zambia and Green Beans in Kenya) to

highlight the relevance of the VCA4D approach to:

• Measure quantitative/evidence based indicators that

can inform on inequalities;

• Understand and appraise inequalities through a

multidisciplinary diagnosis within a VC;

• Inform policy makers and stakeholders to support

efforts in increasing equality.

The VCA4D methodology analyses the extent to which VCs

are inclusive and economically, socially and environmentally

sustainable across several EU partner countries.

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